Saturday, December 24, 2005

the top photo is of the northen end of town about exchange st ,the bottem one is of centeral upper hutt , showing the rail station in the fore ground on the left hand edge is the provincal hotel ,which is now dick smiths shop.
the middle photo is of the southern end of upper hutt thr church in the middle of the photo is the catholic church on the corner of pine ave and main st and in the back ground on the ridge below the hill is mc curdys castle .
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005

kennth mc Curdy , born 5 12 1894 died 2 1 1965. ken lived all his life at bonnie glen , in mc curdys castle , ken was my uncle , i dont have many memorys of him, he would come across the river north of the wakatiki stream on a large clydesdale horse , to visit family in logan st and go shopping in upper hutt , some times when i came home from school i would find him visiting . he would tie his horse up to a tree in logan st . if he could not get across the river at his crossing point becouse of flooding, he would ride up to what is now totra park and cross a swing bridge ,
there are a few storys about ken threatening off unwanted visitors to bonnie glen on his horse with a loaded shot gun .he was quite an imposing figure riding his horse in a heavy rain coat.

Mary ann mc curdy [jones ] . married to angus mc curdy .
born in hammersmith england on the 21st july 1866. died in upper hutt at the age of 104 on the 21st july 1970.
she was a cousin to angus . he came to new zealand , returned to england and married mary ann and came back to new zealand , they lived in wellington for a while then moved ot bonnie glen across the hutt river from upper hutt , she lived most of her life there ,but in later life moved to logan st to live with her daughter flora.
Thursday, December 08, 2005

angus mc curdy was born in england ,his father was scotish , his mother was from birmingham, he came to NewZealand under contract as a telegraphist and electrian in 1880 , but in 1904 was sacked for secondary enployment activities as a organizer for the new zealand farmers union .
he settled in upper hutt and started to build a twenty roomed house on the opporsite sids if the river to whakatiki st . the land on which he built his house on he named bonnie glen . The house was to be used as a hunting and fishing lodge but the house was never compleated this never adventuated .
his wife mary anne [jones] was born in England on the 21st of july 1866 and she lived untill she was 104 years of age .
Angus mc curdy showed the first motion pictures in upper hutt . he also built his own theater , when he was prevented from using a public hall, the theater was built so fast it was named the record hall .
he was reporter editor and publisher of upper hutts first newspaper , he was the first clerk of the first town board and was the inspector of public nuisances,
he was also responsable for electrity and water being layed on in upper hutt .
in 1926-27 he was upper hutts first mayor , after a break he returned as mayor from 1931 to 1936 .
he died in 1941 leaving four children .
kenneth. never married , lived all his life at bonnie glen
jessie margret , married lenoard john danahay .
donald treasure and sectary of the new zealand forest and bird society
and elsie
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

yes , upper hutt has a river which gives us a bit of trouble now and then by flooding , when the weather is realy stink , we have a stopbank in place down most of its length , which prevents most problems now . but every now and then it can give us grief , all of upper hutts water comes from the river it also provides water to lower hutt and wellington . and running parallel with and next to is the wellington fault line , which gives us the odd earth quake or two , the last major earthquake was in 1855, the next one could be any time soon !!!! i live real close to the river and thr fault so maybe i loose my home when the big earthquake happens !!! but i love living here. the river is popular for swimming in , and walking beside in summer, i have been told it is good for trout fishing ,but i have never seen any one catch a single fish out of it .
Sunday, December 04, 2005

hi world , my nickname is larry wingnut , and i live in a city called upper hutt . it is about 30 km north of wellington, new zealand. i was born in upper hutt ,and lived for most of my life here . i would like to show you some photos of my town , and tell you a bit about it, my town has a population of about 35000 people , and is situated in a valley which is about three kilometers wide and about 15 to 20 km long , to the south is a narrow gourge that leads to another city called lower hutt [ suprise suprise] , to the north are mountians that are covered with snow in winter ,