upper hutt

Friday, December 09, 2005

kennth mc Curdy , born 5 12 1894 died 2 1 1965. ken lived all his life at bonnie glen , in mc curdys castle , ken was my uncle , i dont have many memorys of him, he would come across the river north of the wakatiki stream on a large clydesdale horse , to visit family in logan st and go shopping in upper hutt , some times when i came home from school i would find him visiting . he would tie his horse up to a tree in logan st . if he could not get across the river at his crossing point becouse of flooding, he would ride up to what is now totra park and cross a swing bridge ,
there are a few storys about ken threatening off unwanted visitors to bonnie glen on his horse with a loaded shot gun .he was quite an imposing figure riding his horse in a heavy rain coat.


  • At 1:17 AM, Blogger lykris said…

    My father told me a tall tale this evening of being ordered off the property of McCurdy's castle back in the 1950's. He said he and his wife crossed the river and were walking towards the house when a man on a huge horse rode up and ordered them away as they were trespassing. My father tried to tell his they were relatives come to visit. It made no difference. So they turned on their heels and made a quick exit. My father's mother (she's from the McCurdy line) later received an apology from one of the ladies of the house, who said it was Ken who's ordered them off.
    That led me to start searching for McCurdy info, including Bonnie Glen which led me to this page.
    What a wonderful tale!


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